Archive for the 'Lake Royale' Category

A Favorite Harbinger

Joy and I went down to White Lake to get the old Mustang 17 out of storage. I hope she enjoyed her winter hibernation (the boat that is) because we are planning to have a lot of fun with her on Lake Royale when we get back from vacation. The forecast is that the temperature […]

First the Good News

Yes, the sun finally came out. After months, the boat started. Beautiful day on sparkling water. Lost in wonder I just motored down to the far end of the lake. Naturally, that is where the engine died. Apparently, the battery isn’t holding a charge or something. But even being towed back wasn’t enough to dampen […]

Madison’s Happy Face

[singlepic id=35 w=320 h=240 float=left]It was quite nice having Mary down for the weekend.  She caught this picture of her Rottweiler enjoying the lake in her own inimitable fashion.  This is exactly how I feel when I play in the water, too![singlepic id=36 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Independence day

Click for Album The VandenBosches had their usual big Fourth of July bash.  I’m sure it was a hit as always.  I’m also certain that the Pittsburgh fireworks were again the best in the nation this year.  I would love to have been at my uncle’s dad’s 100th Birthday with most of my family.  But […]

Pontoon Boat Skiing

Click for Album We enjoyed another beautiful weekend on the lake. Rather than putting the ski boat in the water, I decided to try skiing behind the pontoon boat. As you can see, the only positive result from my first few attempts was the production of laughter from the crew. But we did eventually succeed. […]

The Last Weekend of Spring

Get the Flash Player to see this player. Spring left North Carolina sizzling. It was hot and steamy at Lake Royale this weekend. Sherry dropped in for the weekend with some great food, including a yummy pasta sauce with shredded pork in place of meat balls. Joy displayed flags and bunting for Flag Day yesterday. […]


Click for Album It took a couple of weeks, but Old Blue Pontoon has been replaced.  Thursday night we stayed with Sherry in Richmond so that we could beat the morning rush over the Wilson Bridge in Alexandria (thanks for the tip, Mary).  There is a nice little Italian place there called Vinny’s (not part […]

Old Blue may be history, but . . .

not before showing us that a pontoon boat was really fun for everyone from the those toddling because they were learning to walk to those toddling because they needed help from their cane.  Our new boat preserves the bow platform of Old Blue, but we got bigger pontoons, a canvas bimini, and a 4 stroke […]

The Great Gathering by the Lake

Click for Album It was another great day on the lake.  Surrounded by a few less than thirty of our closest friends, we celebrated Memorial Day on Saturday.  The cuisine was simple:  dogs, brats, and burgers with some really tasty side dishes.  (Thanks Cheryl for running the grill.)   The kids spent the day tubing behind […]

That’s not a water dog

THIS IS A WATER DOG.  It was so much fun having my daughter at the lake.  She brought her two dogs.  The Rottweiler, Madison, would run back and forth splashing the water and then biting the splashes.  She did this even as she went under the dock.  The Boxer, Faith, chased her on land.  Faith […]