Archive for the 'Family Gatherings' Category

How Blessed Are We?

Click for Album The title of this post is an expression Joy often uses as we enjoy our lake, a scene from a cruise ship portal, or time with you, our family and friends.  The greatest blessing in our opinion is the shared blessing.  Last weekend we enjoyed having family down from Morgantown and this […]

A Happy Fourth

Click for Album Occasionally one gets to enjoy a very nearly perfect day.  Our Fourth of July was just such a day.  Sherry was already here.  (For a staff photographer, she does one heck of a cleaning job.)  Thanks for the help, sister.  Then mid-morning Mother, Dad, my two sisters, my brother-in-law, my niece and […]

Father's Day 2010

Click for Album I was blessed to have the opportunity to see my Dad on Father’s Day. I tried to make him waffles but they stuck to the waffle iron in a heretofore unprecedented manner. Ugly, but still tasty. It was great to have the chance to go to the Strip in Pittsburgh with my […]

At the Steels

Click for Album Sarah and Paul, thanks for having us over for a fun dinner. Here are some of the pictures Ruth and I took. Joy and I had a fun weekend. Thursday night we drove to Morgantown.   Friday Joy saw her kids in Pittsburgh and I toured Matt’s new house.   My brothers car wash […]

Moku is Four

Birthday Boy Yesterday was Moku’s birthday. I can’t believe my little puppy has grown up to be, well, a little dog. Still cute and playful, he is so loveable (unless, of course, you happen to be a stuffed toy). Video after the break.

Happy Christmas One and All

(click this caption to see the album) Yes, I am quite sentimental about Christmas.  Countless memories roll together to buoy my expectations each year.  So many of my family and friends have stuffed me so full of love I just can’t can’t help myself.  So, of course, when Christmas comes I’m bound to be disappointed […]

Truly Grateful

Thanksgiving was, as usual, a time of overeating.  It started on Thursday.  Not the offical family celebration day, but we had to eat, right?  Joy prepared a turducken (turkey-duck-chicken).  We loved it, but next year maybe we’ll skip the duck part.  Definitely, a yummy meal.  Friday we left the Morgantown crowd and headed north to […]

Father’s Day and Birthdays

Click for Album Thursday night we stayed with Sherry in Richmond (thanks, Sis). The thought was that our drive in to see Mary on Friday would be leisurely and leave us time for a stop at IKEA. VDOT thought Friday would be a nice day for construction. We had all the time in the world […]

Old Town Alexandria

Click for Album Old Town Alexandria we can’t wait to come back.  We went up to visit Mary and she gave us a very custom tour of Old Town Alexandria.  We started out from her apartment and passed many historic townhomes before reaching our first destination.  We were especially charmed by the occasional cobblestone street […]

That’s not a water dog

THIS IS A WATER DOG.  It was so much fun having my daughter at the lake.  She brought her two dogs.  The Rottweiler, Madison, would run back and forth splashing the water and then biting the splashes.  She did this even as she went under the dock.  The Boxer, Faith, chased her on land.  Faith […]