Home Again – and again and again
- 07.20.09
- Pittsburgh and Morgantown, house boat, houseboat, marina, Pittsburgh, river
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Retirement may be a decade out, but I’ve been planning for it since I was in college. Lately, our discussions had been rotating between a summer home in Pittsburgh and a primary residence in southern California, North Carolina, Virginia, or (a remote possibility) Florida. But as long as our family is centered on the east […]
Madison’s Happy Face
- 07.13.09
- Lake Royale, Lake Royale, Madison
- 1 Comment
[singlepic id=35 w=320 h=240 float=left]It was quite nice having Mary down for the weekend. She caught this picture of her Rottweiler enjoying the lake in her own inimitable fashion. This is exactly how I feel when I play in the water, too![singlepic id=36 w=320 h=240 float=center]
Independence day
- 07.05.09
- Lake Royale, Lake Royale
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Click for Album The VandenBosches had their usual big Fourth of July bash. I’m sure it was a hit as always. I’m also certain that the Pittsburgh fireworks were again the best in the nation this year. I would love to have been at my uncle’s dad’s 100th Birthday with most of my family. But […]