A Happy Fourth
- 07.04.10
- Family Gatherings, Lake Royale
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Occasionally one gets to enjoy a very nearly perfect day. Our Fourth of July was just such a day. Sherry was already here. (For a staff photographer, she does one heck of a cleaning job.) Thanks for the help, sister. Then mid-morning Mother, Dad, my two sisters, my brother-in-law, my niece and Jack arrived. Jack had been seated at the far end of a Rio Grande restaurant table one night some time ago but we had never had a chance to visit. I started to become a fan when he wore Moku out with a game of fetch. Diving off the dock and playing in the water just cemented the deal. We spent most of the day sitting in the shade at the lake and watching people launch their boats on the ramp across the way and piling on to and off of tubes those boats were there to pull. It is quite an entertaining show. They brought some good Carolina bbq and cole slaw which made for delicious sandwiches. Most of us piled onto the pontoon boat and did a quick-ish tour of the lake. This was followed by more eating and drinking and cheering on the bustling waterway full of people. Everyone seemed to have a good time and to help everyone else to have a good time, so guess what? I had a very good time.
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