Father’s Day and Birthdays

Thursday night we stayed with Sherry in Richmond (thanks, Sis). The thought was that our drive in to see Mary on Friday would be leisurely and leave us time for a stop at IKEA. VDOT thought Friday would be a nice day for construction. We had all the time in the world to appreciate their ability to close off a lane.

Upon reaching Mary’s in Alexandria, there was no way we were going to go back out in that traffic to get to IKEA. We opted to go see Pelham 123 instead. Not a great movie, but very enjoyable. If you had any doubts, yes, Denzel Washington can act. Mary, Joy, and I all gave it a thumbs up.

We then went to Mango Mike’s for dinner. Great food and decor. Lava stones, tikis, large aquariums, pleasant staff, and a wealth of delectable looking menu options tell me I want to try this place again. I’d love to come for a Sunday brunch when the steel drum band is playing. Somehow Mary dodged the whole picture taking thing, but believe me when I say that she was as beautiful as ever.

The next day we were off to Pittsburgh for lunch at Joe’s Crab Shack with Bobby, Lindsay and Clayton. I had varied from my routine fish and chips to try the Aruban Chicken Salad and Sea Turtle Sundae. Mmmm. The boys warmed up for dessert with huge tubs of seafood. After a fun time visiting we were off to Morgantown.

Will and Matt had birthdays. Will refused to fly in from Nevada but Matt was willing to drive across town, so we celebrated his birthday on Saturday. Not that our family needs much of an excuse for a party. Matt brought Mandy and Alex brought Lauren, both very nice young ladies and impressive in their ability to cope with family eccentricities. Like Will, Ruth was missed from our festivities. I guess after watching our families antics for so many years, she wanted to see how real monkeys behave.

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Sunday morning Wayne, Joy, Mom (Pat), Dad (Tom Sr), and I (Tom Jr) went to Bob Evans for a Father’s Day breakfast. Our first stop was to loop past the new Mid-Atlantic Sports Cars building. It is nearing completion and looked awesome with soaring glass facades and wide stone pillars. A classy building from which Wayne can sell his classy cars. Dad enjoyed his usual (no reading a menu for him) at Bob Evans. As I write this we are driving home from West Virginia to North Carolina. Hope you all remembered to call or see your Dad on Father’s Day or at least remember him and/or share a story that will help you celebrate having had him as a Dad.
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  • Sherry says:

    Joy – nice pic of your and the kids. So glad you were able to spend some time with them. As always, it was good seeing you and Tom and Moku, of course!

  • Will says:

    Looks like a great time was had by all, wish I could’ve been there! Thanks for putting up the pics and videos, it’s great to see everyone even if it’s not in person. 🙂

  • Tom says:

    Thanks Will. I hoped that would be the case.

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