Archive for June, 2009

Pontoon Boat Skiing

Click for Album We enjoyed another beautiful weekend on the lake. Rather than putting the ski boat in the water, I decided to try skiing behind the pontoon boat. As you can see, the only positive result from my first few attempts was the production of laughter from the crew. But we did eventually succeed. […]

Father’s Day and Birthdays

Click for Album Thursday night we stayed with Sherry in Richmond (thanks, Sis). The thought was that our drive in to see Mary on Friday would be leisurely and leave us time for a stop at IKEA. VDOT thought Friday would be a nice day for construction. We had all the time in the world […]

The Last Weekend of Spring

Get the Flash Player to see this player. Spring left North Carolina sizzling. It was hot and steamy at Lake Royale this weekend. Sherry dropped in for the weekend with some great food, including a yummy pasta sauce with shredded pork in place of meat balls. Joy displayed flags and bunting for Flag Day yesterday. […]


Click for Album It took a couple of weeks, but Old Blue Pontoon has been replaced.  Thursday night we stayed with Sherry in Richmond so that we could beat the morning rush over the Wilson Bridge in Alexandria (thanks for the tip, Mary).  There is a nice little Italian place there called Vinny’s (not part […]