Archive for March, 2010

Vacation Reading

[singlepic id=82 w=320 h=240 float=left] One of the sweeter things about vacation is having time to read.  However, one of the heaviest things to pack is a book.  Dead trees are heavy.  But what if you could take along as many books as you could possibly read with some in reserve just in case you’re […]

A Favorite Harbinger

Joy and I went down to White Lake to get the old Mustang 17 out of storage. I hope she enjoyed her winter hibernation (the boat that is) because we are planning to have a lot of fun with her on Lake Royale when we get back from vacation. The forecast is that the temperature […]

Jewel of the Seas at Sea

Days 2, 3, 6, 9, and 11 Yahoo!  It is almost time for our next vacation.  Once again, we have chosen a cruise with Royal Caribbean.  When planning a cruise vacation, we know that the trip depends more on two factors than any other – including ports of call.  The first factor is the ship’s […]